[SC420I] APC Smart-UPS SC 420VA

ปรกติ 8,740 บาท
ลด 11%
รวมภาษี 8,346.-
(Including VAT)
ก่อนภาษี 7,800.-
(Excluding VAT)
รับคะแนน 156 คะแนน
APC Smart-UPS SC 420VA 230V

Output power capacity : 260 Watts / 420VA
Output Connections : (2) IEC Jumpers (Battery Backup)
(3) IEC 320 C13 (Battery Backup)
(1) IEC 320 C13 (Surge Protection)
Input Connections : IEC 320 C14
Topology : Line interactive
Max Configurable Power (Watts) : 260 Watts / 420VA
Battery type : Lead-acid battery
Typical recharge time : 3 hour(s)
Net Weight : 9.09KG

Warranty : 3-Year On-Site Warranty by Schneider Electric (Thailand)

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