[Online-Migrate] Training AD Planning and Implementing Migration Domain Controllers

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Training AD Planning and Implementing Migration Domain Controllers

Training Online
Module 1: Migrating Active Directory Directory Service
This module explains how to upgrade and migrate Active Directory directory service from Domain Controllers to Windows Server 2019
•Lesson 1: Overview of Upgrading Windows Server 2019 Active Directory
•Lesson 2: Upgrading Domain Controllers to Windows Server 2012 R2
Lab : Migrating Active Directory
•Exercise 1: Preparing the Existing Forest
•Exercise 2: Deploying a Windows Server 2012 R2 DC
•Exercise 3: Removing Legacy Domain Controllers
•Exercise 4: Enabling New Active Directory Features
After completing this module, students will be able to:
•Describe the considerations and changes resulting from the Active Directory upgrade.
•Upgrade a legacy forest.

Module 2 Maintain Active Directory AND Operations Master Roles
This module explains how Transfer Operations Master Roles After Migration
•Lesson 1: Overview of Upgrading Windows Server 2019 Active Directory
•Lesson 2: Overview Operations Masters.
Lab : Transfer Operations Master Roles
•Exercise 1: Identify Operations Masters.
•Exercise 2: Transfer Operations Master Roles
•Exercise 3: Removing Legacy Domain Controllers

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