[FS5015-FC16GB] IBM FlashSystem 5015

ปรกติ 450,000 บาท
ลด 22%
รวมภาษี 374,393.-
(Including VAT)
ก่อนภาษี 349,900.-
(Excluding VAT)
รับคะแนน 6,998 คะแนน
IBM FS5015, Cache 32GB, Drive 6 x 2.4TB SAS Drive /Port : FC interface 16Gb
IBM Storage FlashSystem 5015 SFF Control Enclosure
Power Cord - PDU Connection
8 x 5m OM3 Fiber Cable (LC)
Order Type 1 - CTO
AC Power Supply HE
Hybrid Flash Indicator
Standard S&H Indicator
6 x 2.4TB 10K 2.5 Inch HDD
16 Gb FC 4 Port Adapter Cards (Pair)
FlashCopy Upgrade
Remote Mirroring
Easy Tier
Expert Care Indicator
EC Advanced 3 Year

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